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Communication is my greatest passion. I like people and I like to play with words. I am fascinated by languages and the innumerable ways they offer to express a thought. I love writing texts and I work on each topic with a lot of interest and enthusiasm to find the perfect words for any situation.
Communication is also my profession. I have successfully worked in this field for many years as an editor(-in-chief) of different magazines, author of architectural brochures, annual reports and books, ghost writer and writer of advertorials, website texts and speeches. I also work as a PR and project/event manager organising tender procedures and award ceremonies, such as the Austrian Building Award, or exhibitions. Communication is particularly rewarding, when I can share my experience and knowledge with other people through papers, talks or guided tours. In doing so, I do not rely on lecturing, but like to engage in meaningful discussions and professional dialogue – preferably right “on the spot“, for example at the Reumannhof residential complex in Vienna to explain Vienna’s architecture and political and historical background in the 1920s to international guests.You certainly know it from your own experience, either at work or at home: If you have an idea, you want to discuss it, further develop it, write it down, devise a concept on it and implement it in the best possible way - the sooner the better and nothing short of perfect.
I am happy to be your point of contact for all your needs related to your project. We will either work on your idea together or you provide your own drafts and I will revise them. Should you wish, I can also draft the entire text, advise you on layout, printing and project management or, together with my long-standing business partners, make sure that you can sit back and relax while your idea is turned into a full-fledged project, magazine, annual report or book. Needless to say that I will also be glad to assist you in organising events, award ceremonies or lectures.
Mag. MAS Isabella Lichtenegger
Burggasse 71
A – 1070 Vienna
I plan, devise and write my clients’ communication materials. I have in-depth knowledge in a variety of different fields such as arts, architecture, interior decoration and design, real estate, environment, nature and energy. Yet, reading into new topics is a challenge which I always like to accept.
To meet the goals of my clients I use appropriate PR tools and monitor political processes and current events in Austria and Europe. I make sure that my clients’ issues and concerns are properly covered in today’s diverse media landscape. The success of my press and media work is based on a clear definition of objectives and a careful selection of media representatives.Online communication is far more than just being present on the internet. For this reason, I develop online presences which are not only visually appealing, but also convey the relevant contents in a comprehensible and well-structured way. Whether you need a website with complex data bases, content management system and intranet or simply want to have the perfect texts for your homepage – I will draw up an appropriate concept and ensure its high-quality implementation.
Customer and employee magazines are standard tools of internal and external communication. Together with long-standing partners from the fields of graphic design, journalism, printing, marketing and advertising, I will develop your own company publication. Depending on your needs, my services can range from revising an existing product to developing the content and design of a new magazine or newspaper.
Events have always been a cornerstone of communication. I have planned and organised events and projects for my clients for many years, from press conferences, competitions and lectures to large-scale events and exhibitions. My aim is to provide a well-conceived, high-profile platform to promote you and your topic.
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